The Nvidia GeForce GTX 970 is a top of the line work area illustrations card dependent on Maxwell engineering. Since that more responsive GTX 980, that GTX 970 utilizations the GM204 chip, nevertheless beside diminished shaders and TMUs. The design card is furnished with 4 GB GDDR5 (7 GHz powerful). 3.5 GB of the 4 GB are associated with 224 Bit, the rest just with a 32 Bit interface. This can prompt some faltering or diminished edge rates in games that utilization the full 4 GB. The comparable named versatile GeForce GTX 970M is unmistakably more slow as it includes just 1280 shader centers.


Despite the extraordinary memory setup, the GTX 970 performs on normal compared to the more established GeForce GTX 780 Ti or an AMD Radeon R9 290X. 

The GeForce GTX 970 was a presentation portion designs card by NVIDIA, dispatched in September 2014. Ailment approaching this 28 nm measure, and subordinate proceeding the GM204 engravings processor, during its GM204-200-A1 departure, that card buttresses DirectX 12. This guarantees that all cutting edge games will run on GeForce GTX 970. The GM204 illustrations processor is a huge chip with a bite the dust territory of 398 mm² and 5,200 million semiconductors. Not at all like the completely opened GeForce GTX 980, which utilizes a similar GPU however has every one of the 2048 shaders empowered, NVIDIA has debilitated some concealing units on the GeForce GTX 970 to arrive at the item's objective shader tally. It highlights 1664 concealing units, 104 surface planning units, and 56 ROPs. NVIDIA should rivaled 4 GB GDDR5 memory including that GeForce GTX 970, whatever is correlated among utilizing a 256-cycle memory interface.

GeForce GTX 970 moves correlated amidst some residue regarding the structure appropriating a PCI-Express 3.0 x16 interface. The card's measurements are 267 mm x 111 mm x 40 mm, and it includes a double space cooling arrangement. Its cost at dispatch was 329 US Dollars 

In any case, why would that be an odd part of memory assets in any case? It ends up, this is a piece of information that indicates the main problem: Nvidia's erroneous revealing of the GeForce GTX 970's specialized particulars and GM204 GPU resources. Note that one of the four ROP parcels isn't completely empowered, yet mostly crippled. That incompletely debilitated segment is answerable for the peculiar 3.5GB/512MB memory split, as memory regulator assets are connected through them. With one-eighth of the ROP parcels incapacitated, one-eighth of the memory (512MB) should be gotten to uncommonly, through the working portion of the segment. Thusly, every one of the 4 GB of RAM is usable, albeit sectioned. Therefore the 3.5 GB bit can be gotten to with 196 GB/s of data transmission, while the 512 MB parcel has 28 GB/s of transfer speed accessible. There are presumably some specific circumstances that will uncover this shortcoming, however it is shockingly hard to make this situation. We will watch out for it and have the option to call it out since we know the real determinations, yet none of this new data negates the benchmark results we've just gathered. 

Also, an eighth of the L2 store isn't utilized. Consequently, there remain 56 valuable ROPs during each GeForce GTX 970, furthermore that chip approximates 1.75 MB of L2 resources. This is not exactly the 64 ROPs and 2 MB of L2 that Nvidia initially demonstrated in its press materials.

NVIDIA GeForce GTX 970 Specifications


Card Status: Official

Manufacturer: NVIDIA

Release Date: 19th September, 2014

Launch Price: $329

Board Model: NVIDIA PG401


GPU: 28nm GM204-200

Cores : TMUs : ROPs: 1664 : 104 : 56


Base Clock: 1051 MHz

Boost Clock: 1178 MHz

Effective Memory Clock: 7000 Mbps

Max Computing Pwr (FP32): 3.92 TFLOPS


Memory Size: 3584 MB GDDR5

Memory Bus Width: 224-bit

Memory Bandwidth: 196 GB/s